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Funkspruch PR



So that your products can be found

Just a few years ago, the marketing maxim was: If you don't have a homepage, you don't exist! Today it has to be rewritten: If you don't appear high on Google, Bing, LinkedIn, Instagram & Co, you don't exist!

Does your website need a relaunch? 

The number of visitors to your website could be better? Your search engine ranking does not yet meet your targets? Do you want an attractive homepage that gets to the heart of your messages and appeals positively to your target groups? Funkspruch PR is your professional partner who will take you by the hand from planning to search engine optimization and success monitoring.

Search engine optimization for your website

We'll take you to the top! Funkspruch PR will redesign your homepage so that it will be among the top search engine entries in the future. Because that's the only place she'll be found. Only then does it attract visitors and only then does it pay off by generating potential customers.

Do you know your keywords?

Every search engine optimization begins with a professional keyword analysis. What terms and phrases do potential customers search for on Google & Co when they need your service? Funkspruch PR identifies the relevant keywords under which your product and service can be found and works with you to develop new term fields with which you can sustainably optimize your search engine ranking. We show you how often your term is searched for in a certain period of time and thus prove the relevance of your keywords - for a sustainably optimized search engine result.

On-page optimization, content and metadata

We revise your homepage according to the keyword analysis and optimize your metadata structure. At least 300 words per page, keyword density of a maximum of 4%, alt attributes,... you don't need to worry about any of this, because we'll take care of it for you! We know the constantly changing criteria that search engines use to evaluate websites and assign ranking positions.We incorporate these criteria into your homepage by optimizing your content, your text structure and your metadata based on the currently applicable algorithms.

Off-page optimization, backlinks and link building

We take care of the link structure of your website. The links on your site are also relevant for a good search engine ranking. Not only the outgoing links count, but also those that link to your website from external sites, the so-called backlinks. Funkspruch PR identifies relevant websites, develops thematically appropriate links and revises your internal link structure.

Search engine and social media advertising

We manage your campaigns. You would like to place ads via Google Ads, Bing or in social networks on LinkedIn, Instagram, Xing & Co and thus further increase your visibility online? We advise, take care of your campaign planning and creation and take care of the success monitoring and the ongoing optimization of your campaigns.

Talk to us!

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