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Funkspruch PR

Content Marketing


Funkspruch PR stands for a good connection to the target group

Does your blog need professional editing? Funkspruch PR knows what is important when creating content. We take on all tasks in content marketing: from the editorial plan and article creation to translation, layout and the selection of suitable images. Funkspruch PR ensures that your brand message reaches your international target group!

Do you want people to read your blog? Corporate communication is shifting more and more to the Internet because that is where the relevant target groups are and they are available 24 hours a day. Today, professional websites have their own knowledge area that accompanies your expertise at regular intervals. In addition, regular updates and good content contribute to the search engine optimization of your website and there are synergy effects for your social media or sales strategy. Funkspruch PR identifies your topics and prepares them in an appealing and understandable way. From finding topics, to editorial planning and text creation, to translation and publication, Funkspruch PR takes on all tasks relating to your international content marketing!

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