Public Relations
Attention-grabbing, high-profile, international
Are you looking for support for your corporate communications? No matter whether your company already has a tried-and-tested communication concept or you are still at the very beginning of your considerations: Funkspruch PR will create and revise your global communication strategy and then implement it together with you. So that you always appear professional to the outside world!
Target groups and target media
Funkspruch PR identifies your stakeholders.We work closely with you to identify your target groups and target media and create a tailor-made communication concept with which you can reach them.
Confident and eloquent
Funkspruch PR creates your company texts. We stand for professional and precise texts: whether press releases, user reports or specialist articles, whether social media posts, website text or company brochures, whether advertising teasers, advertorials, newsletters or blogs. With feeling for words and understanding of the text, we create professional texts of all kinds. Our many years of experience make us ideal for texts in industries and products that require explanation. A comprehensive network of translators and editorial contacts also makes it accessible to your international audience.
Published in a networked and targeted manner
Funkspruch PR gets you into the media. We know the media world and know how to reach your opinion makers. Through our extensive online and offline network, we put you in touch with the influencers in your industry. In this way, you strengthen your media presence across channels and consolidate your brand image in public perception.
Talk to us!