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Funkspruch PR


We are your partner for PR, social media, content & performance marketing

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Funkspruch PR gets to the heart of your messages!

Funkspruch PR scores with many years of expertise in and passion for communicating products that require explanation. We generally work across sectors and without focusing on specific topics. Our over ten years of experience in PR practice primarily includes projects from the following industries:


Funkspruch PR understands topics that require explanation! Whether it's a user report, press release, newsletter or blog post: we are familiar with technically demanding topics and write texts with the aim of presenting complex topics clearly and understandably. At the same time, we maintain a good relationship with the specialist media from industry, production and mechanical engineering - so that your topics reach their audience.


Funkspruch PR communicates your health issues. Constant change determines the range of topics in the health care sector: amendments to the law, technical and medical progress or reforms in patient care cover a wide range. Funkspruch PR prepares your topics to suit your target group. We make websites, e-magazines and blogs as well as your press portfolio shine.


Funkspruch PR is digitally up to date! Our inherent fascination for digital development predestines us for PR and online marketing campaigns IT and e-commerce companies. With technical understanding and feeling for words we get to the heart of your topics! And thanks to our extensive network of online and print media, you can position yourself on the right channel at the right time.


Your company in Logistics today, Logistics for companies, MM Logistik & Co?Funkspruch PR maintains a good connection with the logistics trade press! Industry knowledge coupled with an understanding of complex specialist topics as well as the ability to clearly describe topics that require explanation make us stand out as your partner forPR and Online Marketing Consulting.


Funkspruch PR knows the book world! Funkspruch PR combines publishing experience in product PR, social media relations, in editing as well as in trade fair support. Contacts to the industry trade press and know-how in PR and online marketing advice for products and topics from publishing companies characterize our projects in the book market.


Funkspruch PR knows the current topics in personnel consulting. Skilled labor shortage, gender gap & e-assessment, skilled workers over 50, company succession & change management: Service companies in particular have to adapt to the upcoming changes in the labor market and adapt their services and their communication. Thanks to extensive experience in PR and online marketing consultancy for HR consultancies, Funkspruch PR is your competent address in corporate communications.

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